Monday, May 02, 2005

Where to Find Resources

As teachers or leaders, we're always on the prowl for new studies or helpful books or fresh insights on topics we're preparing to teach. Retail prices sometimes make these resources cost prohibitive.

The following is a list of web sites where you can find discounted resources or resources for free that might aid you in your teaching, lesson prep, or resource building.

DISCLAIMER: Though I've found these sites reliable and helpful, I can't guarantee their content or products. You'll need to do some investigation on your own.


Christian Book Distributors (an on-line Christian book & other resources discounter)

Christian Book Clearinghouse (another on-line Christian book & other resources discounter) (another on-line Christian book & other resources discounter)

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (full text book resources, downloadable, searchable, and free)

123 Christian (an on-line Christian product superstore)

If you want to shop several stores at once and compare prices, try using the Discount Christian Stores and Christian Catalogs section of Access-Jesus.Com, an on-line hub for Christian resources.

These should keep you busy for now! I'll post more in future updates.

'Til next time,

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