Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Remember to Say "Thank You"

It's May now, and many of us are or will be wrapping up our classes or studies for this semester. I'm not sure why, but in American culture we tend to take the summer off from Bible studies and small groups.

Before you dismiss for the next few months, remember to express your appreciation for those who have supported you or from whom you've received any kind of assistance this year. That could be those who:

provided the home or room in which you met
made home-made goodies for refreshments
brought store-bought munchies to nibble on
offered suggestions for next year's improvements
made coffee
set up the room
participated in classes or meetings
reached out to someone in your class or group
prayed for you, your attendees, or your ministry
cleaned up after your meetings
provided transportation
watched children so that others could attend
loaned you study helps or resources to aid in your preparation
gave you counsel
spoke a kind word
ran copies of handouts for you
shared your teaching/leading load
encouraged you in any way

Certainly there are other roles for which we can give thanks, but you get the idea.

Expressed thanks goes a long way toward encouraging others; it helps those you are thanking to feel valued and to feel like needed members of the body of Christ.

Won't you take time to thank someone before you dismiss for the coming summer season? It will be good for them, and for your heart, too!

'Til next time,

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